About NestDrop

NestDrop allows you to perform with high-resolution high-fps visuals which react in realtime to the music and then broadcasts the video via Spout. Since the Milkdrop engine is at the core you can easily bring in your own Milkdrop presets. Use any audio source to drive the visuals, even live audio. We know that your attention bandwidth is already in high demand and so we've streamlined NestDrop to be simple and fast to use.

Key features

⇒ Up to 4 video decks with Spout at the same time
⇒ High rez output: > 4k @ 60fps
⇒ Live preview and static thumbnails of presets
⇒ Auto-change presets based on beat detection
⇒ Search for presets by name
⇒ Easily map your own hotkeys
⇒ Mark your favorites with 5 colors of stars
⇒ Create multiple queue windows
⇒ Includes curated library of 1900 presets

More Details


Want even more presets to play with? Check out the Cream of the Crop pack (9,795 presets) and collection of tutorials over on ISOSCELES webpage.


NestDrop is the result of a collaboration between:
Patrick Pomerleau - programmer, design
Jason Fletcher aka isosceles - design, bug testing, preset curation
Sean Caruso - dome testing
Ryan Geiss - Milkdrop engine


Nestdrop tutorial Video tutorial showing the installation and main features of NestDrop Classic. Check also the in-depth user manual for more details.


Run on Microsoft Windows only. Using Spout, NestDrop is compatible with the majority of VJ's favorites:

⇒ Any other software listed on the Spout website


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The Fun Starts at Midnight

NestDrop Midnight Edition

The Midnight Edition is a more complete version of NestDrop. It includes all features of the Classic edition but with even more options for performing live:

⇒ Intuitive multiple MIDI controller support
⇒ Easy Line In/Out audio source selection
⇒ Direct fullscreen output to projectors or monitors
⇒ Spout Sprites input feature
⇒ Video Decks Mixing
⇒ Colors and advance strobe/LFO feature
⇒ Custom Notes on Presets
⇒ And a lot more...

Midnight Pro Edition

The Midnight Pro Edition includes all features of the Midnight but with support for:

⇒ ASIO audio input devices
⇒ OSC remote control
⇒ Ableton Link
⇒ NDI video output

Special features Tutorial

Nestdrop Midnight tutorial Video tutorial showing the advanced features of the Midnight V1 Edition, a new video of the V2 is on the way.

Free update from V1

If you already have NestDrop V1, you can get the V2 update package with the instructions for free via the Download site link included in the Settings window.

V2 Available Now

NestDrop Classic, Midnight or Pro Edition can be downloaded after a single payment.
If you hesitate between Midnight and Midnight Pro, note that you can upgrade from Midnight V2 to Midnight Pro with a link in the Settings window by paying only the difference.

Requirements: Windows 7, 10 or 11, any GPU can be utilized but Powerful GPU's can achieve higher resolution/fps via Spout

Compare Versions

Classic (FREE) Midnight ($50 USD) Midnight Pro ($75 USD)
Four Video Decks
Four Video Decks
High performance Spout output
High performance Spout output
Live Presets preview
Live Presets preview
Realtime audio spectrum
Realtime audio spectrum
Static thumbnails of Presets
Static thumbnails of Presets
Auto-change Presets
Auto-change Presets
Search for Presets by name
Search for Presets by name
Keyboard key map
Keyboard key map
5 colors favorites
5 colors favorites
Multiple queue windows
Multiple queue windows
Included library
Included library 1900 Presets 1900 Presets 1900 Presets
Images Sprites
Images Sprites
10 Presets Time controls
10 Presets Time controls
4 Presets Audio controls
4 Presets Audio controls
12 Presets Color controls
12 Presets Color controls
Strobe / LFO controls
Strobe / LFO controls
Multiple MIDI controllers
Multiple MIDI controllers
Audio devices selection (Win drivers)
Audio devices selection (Win drivers)
Spout Sprites
Spout Sprites
Direct Fullscreen output
Direct Fullscreen output
Custom Presets notes
Custom Presets notes
OSC remote Controls
OSC remote Controls
ASIO audio input devices
ASIO audio input devices
Ableton Link
Ableton Link
NDI output
NDI output

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